Root Canal Therapy

Root canal treatment (also known as endodontic treatment) is needed when the nerve tissue inside the tooth is damaged or dies. It is a dental treatment that usually needs to be applied as a result of deepening of caries and trauma.

When the infection reaches the nerve and vascular structure of the tooth, pain, and discomfort occur. In cases where the treatment is not enough, the tooth must be extracted..

We guarantee to provide root canal treatment to our patients with the most advanced technology and sophisticated techniques.

  • To preserve the remaining tooth tissue
  • So that the infection doesn’t spread and stops
  • To restore the natural structure of the tooth visually and in terms of use.
  • To avod missing broken tooth

Root canal treatment is one of the most feared treatments, but you will hopefully be very comfortable with our team at ProDental Hospital.

Your RCT Journey

Local anesthesia is applied so that you weel feel no pain during the procedure.

The caries is cleaned, and the space where the nerves and veins are located in the tooth is approached.

The channel entrances here are carefully marked, and the nerves are reached.

  • Infected nerves are blinded, and a beautiful picture is taken inside the tooth.
  • The canal cavity is shaped and filled, upon which dental fillings (usually inlay, onlay, veneer, etc.) is placed.

Root Canal Therapy FAQ

Why do nerves need to be removed?

Root canal treatment is usually required due to caries. When caries reaches the nerves, the nerve is infected and becomes painful. The only way to solve this is to make an appointment with your dentist and have a root canal treatment done. Otherwise, you may lose your tooth.

How do I know if I need root canal treatment?

Usually, there will be very severe pain, swelling, inability to put pressure on the tooth, and difficulty eating. Pain that worsens while sleeping at night is common in a tooth that needs root canal treatment.

The color of your teeth may darken. A pimple like swelling may ocur in the gum area. Sometimes, your doctor can detect it in routine examination and X-ray imaging.

How long is the life of a root canal treated tooth?

Root canal treatment well performed by experts allows you to use your tooth for more that 10-15 years.

How much time do I spend on the seat?

It will ususlally take 2 sessions. Our session lasts for 30 minutes and ends without tiring you.

Is there a lot of pain afterwards?

It is normal to have mild pain between root canal treatment sessions and within a few days after its completion. These pains are simple pains that could be relieved with low-dose pain killers. After a few days,  there will be no more pain.

Is it a painful procedure?

Most people think that root canal treatment will be painful, but thanks to effective anesthesia, your treatment will be performed with a filling-like feeling and without even the slightest pain.

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