Our Services

Endulge Your Stay,
Experience İzmir


Our Transportation Facilities

Meeting our patients who came from abroad at the airport and all local transfer services are carried out with our vip vehicles. In addition to our patient’s request we are providing cultural activity and package tour for the purpose of get the know our beautiful city.


Our Accommodation Opportunities

As ProDental Hospital in order to make our patients feel as comfort as if they are at their own homes; welcoming you at the airport, all your transfers in Izmir, accommodation at our contracted hotels, you are welcomed by the ProDental Hospital.


Our Cultural Activities

We offer you both treatment and holiday opportunities by exploring the history and natural beauty of Izmir. Our clinic is located 30 km from the airport. At the same time, there is an opportunity to visit the House of the Virgin Mary, which is 52 km from our clinic. You can witness the magical texture of the Ancient City of Ephesus, which has embraced many civilizations.


“We provide you quality service, personal treatment plan and exclusive vacation.
So we invite you to our clinic in Izmir, the holiday center of Turkey, to meet your new smile!”

ProDental Hospital
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