Inlays and Onlays

Decayed or broken teeth are often repaired with tooth-colored composite fillings but if the damage is very wide, inlays are recommended instead of fillings. Inlays or crowns may be necessary if your tooth’s extra resistance to bite forces is required.

Most of the treatments we provide at Pro-Dental Hospital are treatments completed in 1 day. With the advanced technologies and equipment we use, we can perform crowns, veneers, and inlays in just 1 appointment. Only some cases may require 2 or 3 appointments. During your examinations, your specialist will offer you the most suitable treatment option for you.

  • Protects the main tooth structure.
  • It is a long-lasting, aesthetic and functional solution.
  • Looks like real tooth

Inlays and Onlays are often known as indirect fillings. They are tailormade and most inlays and onlays are produced and bonded to the tooth in a single visit with the Cerec digital writing and materials on the same day.  Inlays are fitted inside the tooth while onlays are to the top of the tooth.  Both inlays and onlays offer an effective solution to problems with a tooth that has become chipped or broken. When properly adhered to, their lifespan is much longer than in-clinic fillings.

Local anesthesia is applied so that you don’t feel any pain during the procedure.

The decayed materials in the tooth are carefully cleansed and the structure consisting of solid walls remains.

The tooth is carefully shaped with techniques suitable for inlays and onlays.

Digital measurement of your tooth is taken.

With the transfer of the digital measurement to the Cerec software, our state-of-art devices begin to engrave inlays and onlays. This process only takes a few hours.

Inlays and onlays are bonded to your teeth in the same day.

Your tooth will not only look natural but also will have a structure extra resistant to high bite and chewing forces like a natural tooth. You can use it for many years without any discomfort.

Inlays and Onlays FAQ

How long do the inlay, onlay and overlay fillings last?

When applied correctly and the patient’s oral hygiene is good, it could be used without any problems for much longer than normal fillings (10-15 years or longer).

How long does it take to prepare the inlay, onlay and overlay fillings?

Thanks to the advances in digital technology, we can design and fit porcelain inlay and onlays in a single visit, often within an hour. This means you will need fewer visits to have your tooth restored compared to traditional approaches.

How long after application can I eat and drink?

The only restrictions should be immediately after the procedure. During the first day or so, eat softer foods. That doesn’t mean you need to eat food that has a porridge-like consistency. Just avoid food that is crunchy or hard for one day or 2. Apart from these mentioned foods, you can consume whatever you like immediately after the treatment.

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