Tooth Extraction and Oral Surgery

In advanced gum disease, in the presence of deep and wide dental caries, in cases involving stenosis of the jaw, in impacted teeth with the potential to form cysts, in wisdom teeth that cause gingival inflammation, we apply extraction treatment. The most important thing for us in this matter is how we will make a tooth to replace the lost tooth of our patient. So, before the extraction, we talk in detail about how we plan treatment with our patient, what the new tooth will look like and what path we will follow. For example, we can apply implant treatment in the same session instead of the extracted tooth. OPG photo or periapical tooth photo When a tooth is extracted, the bone and the gum in that tooth shrink and pull down. It brings a significant disadvantage for your oral health, in the long term. To prevent this, there are a few essential issues the dentist should pay attention to during extraction. In our clinic, we make the extraction carefully to minimize the damage to the bone and ensure that the extraction cavity is filled with healthy bone.

When this detail is considered on a long term basis, it is an element that increases and improves the future treatment alternatives, the position of the gums on the smile line, that is, the aesthetic features, the length, and thickness of the bone; that is, the longevity of the treatment. We are proud to provide long-term, high-quality treatment to our patients with advanced surgical techniques in this field.

Your Tooth Extraction and Oral Surgery Journey

1) For a painless procedure, local anesthesia will be applied first.

2) To protect the bone around the tooth and to facilitate future implant applications, your new
tooth is made as carefully and in the best position as possible with the least damage.

3) We may perform socket grafting to preserve more bone.

4) Post-procedure swelling and pain may occur after a difficult extraction or surgical procedure.
In our clinic, we are using some medications to minimize the swelling. To reduce and even
prevent swelling, we give anti-swelling drugs, antibiotics, and painkillers to increase comfort
after extraction and prevent inflammation. We also use anti-edema drugs and ice compression.

Tooth Extraction and Oral Surgery FAQ

Why does my tooth need to be extracted?

AT Prodental Hospital considers the extraction of your tooth the last bullet, the last resort.
However, in severe caries, severe gingivitis, gingival recession, and some cases, painful or
painless wisdom tooth and crooked tooth are indications for tooth extraction as a preventive

What does oral surgery include? What are the limits?

Oral surgery is necessary for emergency tooth extractions or restructuring of bone and gums.
In some tooth extraction cases, it may be impossible to extract the tooth with normal techniques
(because of a broken tooth, a broken tooth at the gingival level, root fractures). In these cases,
since the dentist will not be able to extract the tooth because he/she can’t hold it, he/she cuts a
part of the gum around the tooth and makes the outside visible, so the tooth is easily grasped and

What is dry socket?

It is natural to have a gap in your gum following tooth extraction and this gap is filled with a
blood clot. In some cases, when this blood clot is not formed or lost it is called a dry socket. In
this case, there will be no protective layer on the bone, and the nerve under the bone is exposed
to the oral environment, which is the mechanism that explains the pain. At the same time, the
absence of this blood clot makes it easier for bacteria to invade this place, which leads to
inflammation of the extraction site. If you follow your dentist’s recommendations carefully after
the extraction, you will not experience this problem. If you think you have experienced it, you
should return to our clinic as soon as possible. When you arrive, your doctor will wash and clean
the wound site and put a protective barrier on top of it, leading to the formation of a new blood
clot, which will directly eliminate your pain and problem.

How many hours after extraction can I eat something?

After the extraction, your doctor recommends that you do not eat something for 2-3 hours
until the effect of the anesthesia wears off. If you eat while the anesthesia is still active, you may
bite your lip and cheek and unintentionally break these areas and make wounds. After the effect
of the anesthesia wears off, you can take food, but soft things should be eaten on the first day and
consumed at room temperature. The next day, you can take more food but you should avoid
hard, extremely hot, cold, spicy, and multi-grained food for 2-3 days.

Does tooth extraction or oral surgery hurt me?

Today’s anesthetics are very effective and powerful drugs and provide long-lasting sedation.
Thanks to the safe and strong anesthetics, all you will feel during extraction will be light pressure
and touch. It is normal to have mild pain managed with simple analgesics, but if it does not go
right away and is very severe you should consult with your dentist.

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