Tooth Colored Fillings

Over the past decades, the dental filling procedure was a very successful and effective treatment. But, they never looked good aesthetically. For other people, they were just metallic shining in our mouths, and fillings that aesthetically mimicked tooth color or form never made until tooth-colored composite resin fillings appeared. Fortunately, manufacturers have developed tooth-colored composite fillings invisible in the mouth, functionally and aesthetically high quality.

We take great pleasure in using high-quality composite resins and producing high-quality works with these materials in our clinic and apply these fillings by considering aesthetic and biomimetic concerns and giving utmost importance to the wishes of our patients.

  • These (composite) restorations have high strength,
  • Have high aesthetic properties,
  • Have a natural appearance. do not discolor according to polishing technique of the
    applying dentist, and the quality of the restoration,
  • Do not contain heavy metals and mercury

Tooth Colored Fillings FAQ

What awaits me when I sit on the dentist chair?

When you come to our clinic, a detailed examination awaits you. Afterward, we make the
necessary plans for the teeth we have identified. We first apply local anesthesia for the teeth we
have decided for filling treatment; then we clean the decayed and damaged tooth tissue; then we
fill it with filling materials in the color of your own tooth. Thanks to tooth-colored fillings, you
will have a tooth that is of the same as the color with your other teeth and without cavities and

What are the advantages of tooth-colored composite fillings?

The most important advantage is that it is the same as the color of our own tooth and as a rule, it is intact. Another important feature is that the processing time is much faster than the old fillings. 

The earlier we diagnose the need for fillings, the longer the life of your tooth will be. Composite resin filling materials are applied to the tooth with a minimal intervention approach without requiring special cavity design principles, without removing the intact tooth tissue from the cavity, unlike old fillings, and allow the tooth to stay stronger and survive longer. As for physicians, its application is more difficult than the old technique and requires extra knowledge and skill, and is completed with little pain. 

How long is the life of tooth-colored composite fillings?

The first request of our patients is to keep the construction as long as possible. Tooth-colored composite fillings stay in the mouth for an average of 10 years. This period is much longer if we care for our teeth, with optimal oral hygiene and attention to diet..

How many hours after filling could I eat?

Our patients often ask this question. The rule of eating nothing after filling was valid for old fillings and advised by dentists in old times. Because old amalgam fillings gain their strengths over time and reach their full hardness in about 24 hours, the dentist used to advise not to eat anything with that tooth all day long. However, such a restriction is no longer needed, as tooth-colored composite fillings are hardened with high-energy light and reach their full hardness directly within 10 seconds.

How long does it take for me to get used to the filling?

Unlike old fillings, new tooth-colored composite fillings are smaller than old fillings because they are placed with minimal intervention by removing as little material as possible. Accordingly, since the fillings designed by our physicians are similar to the anatomical structure of the tooth, it takes only a few hours to get used to the shape and form of the filling. 

How long is the processing time for tooth-colored fillings?

The application, shaping, hardening, and finishing of tooth-colored composite fillings take approximately 30 minutes. Treatments that take hours are no more. But because the polishing process will take longer in anterior dental aesthetic fillings, this period may sometimes take 10-15 minutes longer..

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